Huh? Wha?

I am sitting here in bed at noon. My head is stuffed up. I feel hot and cold at the same time. My mouth won’t stop drooling. My nose drips. My eyes cry on their own. Jessica seems to have given some Spanish flu. I have been watching some Myth Busters marathon this morning. I’d got put a movie on, but I am too tired to get up and go to the living room to put a DVD in my MythTV box. Up until about 6:00am this morning, I got about a total of 30 minutes of sleep. I was up all night completely out of it, and drooling like crazy. I don’t like it. And this morning, I was laying in bed and asked Jessica, “Is the house shaking, or is it just me?” She said it was just me. But as it turns out, it wasn’t, because that was about the same time my father moved the TV out of my porch. Anyway, you all should send me Get Well cards and chicken noodle soup. Back to Myth Busters, and to hopefully falling out of bed into the kitchen where I can make soup.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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