Wheelchair Access

Me and Jessica went to the hospital today to give blood. I elected not to as I am still getting over a cold, and I have to work out in the heat all this next week. I will go next weekend instead. But Jessica still gave blood. She flirted with the cute nurse-boy that sat next to her. After we left though, she almost passed out. I had to get her a drink. We’d walk about 50 feet, then she’d have to sit down. I finally went and got her a wheelchair and brought her to the car. She was so cute. I had to leave her while I went to go get the car. I felt like I was leaving a mental patient on drugs or something because she was all slumped over. She was afraid of rolling away, but I locked the wheels. Anyway, I must get to packing as I will be out of town for a few days.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

One thought to “Wheelchair Access”

  1. I did not flirt with him! I didn’t even say anything to him! Thanks for calling me cute:-X

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