
Verizon is a stupid company. I got a call this morning from a Verizon employee, from a Verizon phone number. He called me and asked me to remove him from my email list because I own He receives email from a non-existant address, “” I told him that anyone can send mail from any address they want. He said he works at Verizon, so he knows how email works. Anyway, he threatens legal actions for something I am not even doing. So I sent him a test message… from hisself to hisself. I guess now he is going to sue himself. I’ve told him to give me the email headers, but he still has not done so. So I told him how to do it, in the email program he is using. It will probably blow his mind that I know what email program he is using. So anyway, I called Verizon security, and lodged a complaint about him. Haven’t heard back from him yet.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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