Summer Bummer

The A/C compressor in my truck is on its last… leg. For the last two weeks, its been grinding away, and the temperature gets warmer everyday. And the sun gets hotter every day. That is going to be a $400 expenditure. I don’t know if I can take the heat anymore… I need to clean out my truck so I can open both windows and not worry about stuff blowing out. Either that, or I need an extra set of tools to carry in my car so I can at least drive with the top down and get some air. And I need to go food shopping… things are getting sparce here in the house… maybe I will have to eat dog food. I need more time so I can go out food shopping, work on websites, go see friends who won’t talk to me, etc. Maybe I should finish that site tonight, then go visit Nathan.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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