This Post – It Will Happin

A few days ago, I was called out to set up someone’s wireless. They took it upon themselves to help me out, and take the card out of the old computer themselves. They shouldn’t have:

Bad card! Bad bad card!

And this was after I tried fixing it a bit. There wasn’t much hope for it. However, it did still fit in the new computer with a little TLC.

Don’t ever go to the Sun Dome. They will watch you stand in the rain getting soaked and tell you to throw away your umbrella before they ever let you in. Then, when you put stuff in your purse, they will scold you, and tell you to never take it out while you are there. And also, do not take the stairs, they lead to nowhere. Just locked doors. I went there for the Killers. It was a good show, albeit it felt short to me. I’ve got a bunch of pictures, so if you want to see, let me know.

The Killers
The Killers

I was helping my father last night with a project of his, and the equipment had written on it the following:

Millenium Bug

Also, note to IBM: the round peg does not fit in the square hole. In other words, don’t sell a brand new laptop with a PS/2 mouse when the laptop does not even have a PS/2 port. It makes the customer very angry.

More Power

A lot has gone on lately. It’s only been a few days, but it feels like it’s been quite a while. I’ve had a few problems with my Internet connection, but I got my modem replaced and everything is up and running great now. I am also wearing wrist straps now, as I hope to not develop carpal tunner or some other sort of repetitive motion injury. I’ve also finally gotten a bit of work done on a website for a client, so go check it out. I am also starting a website,, where photographers can upload their images for other people to use. Jessica is currently chanting: “Yo quiero… un perro…” Anyway, I have lots to do tommorow, so I shall sleep now.

Rusty Spoons

Salad Fingers would love this computer:

Tin Roof: Rusted

For some reason, this computer had a problem with rust. I am assuming this person just had a problem with a humid house. And the computer was right next to the bathroom, maybe that wasn’t helping. Or maybe he sprayed water on it for kicks. Either way, it wasn’t a good thing. But the computer still worked of course.

Hole in One

I have a hole in my pants, in the back pocket that shows, so for example, you can see my wallet inside. Well, I was just at the sink in the kitchen, and Jessica walked up and stuck her finger in it and asked “Trying to show off.” I responded with “Yup.” Then she asked, “Are you wearing jeans underneath?” It was so cute.

Bow Down to Microsoft

As many of you possibly know, I don’t like Microsoft. Well, unfortunately, I may have to start recommending one of their products. Microsoft Money. The other day I recommened Quicken 2005 to someone so they could import their bank account and work on their checkbook on the computer. The most popular bank around here, MidFlorida, currently supports QIF, which is the export format developed by Quicken. Well, as of 2005, they have dropped support for it. They are now using OFX, which is an open format, and sound great. But two problems: one, hardly anyone uses it yet, and two, Intuit is charing financial institutions for its usage. This also means that developers of software that imports data into Quicken will not work either, because OFX is only works over the Internet. I say boycott Intuit.

Alligator Alley

Driving a Saturn to Fort Lauderdale for 5 hours is NOT fun. It’s cramped. We had to stop many times so Jessica could pee. Going on a road trip with her would not be fun. Now we are staying in Laura’s apartment. I am constantly being attacked by a giant blue bunny who doesn’t listen to me. I brought everything I need, except my extra battery and the battery charger for my camera. So now I am stuck with a camera that has a battery that is almost dead. Hopefully I will get a chance to go to Miami while I am here.

I’ve also tried out Windows Vista. It seems to just be a glorified Windows XP so far. I will be sticking to my Ubuntu for now.

The Postal Gnomes

Today I went to the post office to get my mail. I pull the mail out, and as I am closing my box, I here someone say “Hello?” I was not sure what to think at first, then I heard it again. I look inside my box, and there is a lady standing there. I was quite suprised to see a person on the other side. Standing on the one side and never seeing inside makes you wonder what is inside. I always thought it was maybe little gnomes putting my mail in the box, but now I know there are real people on the other side.

In other news, Jessica puts skittles up her nose. She says its so she can smell them while eating them, but I am not sure what to think:

So Little Time

This being sick is getting to me. I can’t think straight. I have so many things to do or want to do. Here are some of them:

– Rebuild my internal server
– Create a Gnome Metacity theme
– Work on customers computer
– Bill customers
– Add a workbench to my office
– Rebuild my MythTV box
– Finish some websites
– Clean my house
– Paint my bathroom

Will anyone help me?

Get Your Hot CPU’s Here!

Thought your CPU got hot? Check out this CPU heat sink:

That fan is not angled because its loose. It’s angled because the plastic melted and the fan almost fell out. I was thinking the power supply fried and got a little hot, but I don’t see how it got that hot!

And then this other customer, well, his backlight on his PowerBook G4 went out, and he thought it should have been covered under warranty since is was less than a year old. Check out why the backlight went out:

Think that’s covered under warranty? Yes… he dropped it. An aluminum PowerBook G4. It’s sad… well, actually, his daughter dropped it.

You’ve Got the Sickness!

Yes folks, I have the sickness. A cold that is. Its annoying. I hope it goes away soon. But anyway, I got my new Dell MFP 1600n printer for cheap, and I am liking it so far. Works great in Linux. Now I just have to figure out how to make the fax/scanner work in Linux :) I am going to go lay down now, then right back to work.