Huh? Wha?

I am sitting here in bed at noon. My head is stuffed up. I feel hot and cold at the same time. My mouth won’t stop drooling. My nose drips. My eyes cry on their own. Jessica seems to have given some Spanish flu. I have been watching some Myth Busters marathon this morning. I’d got put a movie on, but I am too tired to get up and go to the living room to put a DVD in my MythTV box. Up until about 6:00am this morning, I got about a total of 30 minutes of sleep. I was up all night completely out of it, and drooling like crazy. I don’t like it. And this morning, I was laying in bed and asked Jessica, “Is the house shaking, or is it just me?” She said it was just me. But as it turns out, it wasn’t, because that was about the same time my father moved the TV out of my porch. Anyway, you all should send me Get Well cards and chicken noodle soup. Back to Myth Busters, and to hopefully falling out of bed into the kitchen where I can make soup.

La Chica De España

Well, Jessica came back last night. I barely recognized her at first because she was wearing a new shirt, and I guess I have become used to her wardrobe. Anyway, I ran up and greeted her. I almost knocked her down. She has to work today, all the way through Saturday, so unfortunately, I won’t get to see her much. And her sister is in town, so that make it even less that I get to see her. I wanted to go to the beach with her on Friday, and take her to his lake house on Thursday, but I guess I won’t be able to now. Anyway, no more vacation for me, back to work I suppose.


AHH! I’ve only got one more day! Then Jessica will be home! I have to get this house cleaned up. I was supposed to wash clothes tonight, but I forgot. Now I have to try to do them tomorrow! I need more time! The living room is a mess, the kitchen needs some minor work. And I still have to work tomorrow in Winter Haven, then I have to go make a pipe shorter, then I have to fix Nathan’s printer. Then I have to go food shopping, do the laundry, finish the house, clean the shed up, mow the lawn, fix two computers, clean my office (yeah, right…), get part of a present for Jess, teach a neighbor how to use Windows 98, and then after all that, I have to pick her up at the airport. So I have till 9:30pm EST on Tuesday, May 31, 2005 to do all this! I can’t do it! Instead, I am here procrastinating by writing in my blog. But at least the color on my desktop are pretty now. :)

CD-ROM Drives Beware!

If you are a bad CD-ROM drive, and you work sometimes, but not others, this will happen to you:

So, beware! And yes, this relieved a lot of stress.

I also played with a hard drive:

Think it will still work? Maybe I can send it in to a recovery agency and see if they can get my information off :) Later this week, I will plug it in to power and see what happens! And I will have to open it up to see what happened inside.

Buffalo Wings

Yesterday, I was standing in front a log cabin that belongs to a customer of mine while I was talking to Jessica. This log cabin is on a big hill, and at the bottom of the hill a buffalo walks by. Just like there was nothing weird about it. Well, this buffalo had escaped from its fenced in area. So I mention it to my customer, and then they start chasing it down. Then eventually chased it back to where it needed to go. I had a picture of it walking past my truck, but my camera was being a piece of junk and the picture came out all fuzzy. I really need to go buy the Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera…. its now only $750.


I have been so tired. There has been a lot of late nights with work. Punching down hundreds of little colored wires… some with white stripes… oh my God… there are so many of them… they are attacking me!

Sorry, just going a little crazy. But yes, I have been busy. I am even working through the “holiday” weekend. So instead, I will take my 3 day vacation when Jessica gets back from Spain. I don’t think I will be going anywhere, but I will be sleeping a lot.

Now, I must get back to work. I have to pay bills, go to banks, go to customers, run wires, pickup stuff at Graybar. Ugh.

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I just stopped at Home Depot. I had to purchase some wall boxes. I forgot my ladder at home, so I was going to have to drive all the way back home to get it. I wasn’t “happy.” Well, as I get to the registers, I go to the self checkout so I don’t have to talk to a person. I am passing the barcodes over the scanner and look over at the cashier for the self checkout. I continue scanning. I skip the bagging, because I don’t need a bag. As I am walking out after grabbing my receipt, the cashier asks me, “Where’s your happy face?” I give her a mean look with an evil grin, and continue walking. I guess I left my happy face at home.

I See You

How can people get so much spyware/adware on their computers and not do anything about it. I can honestly say I have never gotten any of that crap on my computers. In fact, neither have my sisters (my mother, maybe). Yes, my laptop runs Linux, but I sometimes use Windows with certain clients where Windows will be required. And of course my desktop runs Linux. It will not be poisoned by Windows.

Here is a picture of a piñata in mid air.

In other news, I am making sure I don’t leave tools on the job anymore. At one of my jobs, someone tried getting into a room that a few tools were being stored into (none of mine luckily). They were unsuccessful as it was a steel door. Funniest thing is though, it was in a sheet-rock wall. If they wanted in that bad, they could have just broken through the wall. Idiots. And I think they were driving a silver pick-up truck. Earlier that day, I saw one driving off after making a racket, and then later, my father told me an extension cord was missing. So if you know someone with a yellow hand made extension cord with 220v plugs, and a crowbar with bright white paint all over it, let me know.

“No, these are water lines.”

Why is that when I am installing CAT5 jacks, that some other contractor has to come over and ask if I am hooking up phones, and if it is CAT5? Does it really matter? You do flooring, and you do painting… it doesn’t matter whether or not I am doing phones. I feel like saying, “No, these are water lines. The blue is for the cold water, and the white is for hot water.”