Math sucks. That is all. Back to class now…
Books Galore
I was driving back from a job today, and I had some cardboard boxes in my truck and decided to stop at the landfill to drop them off in the recycling containers. I drive up and notice there is two “paperboard” containers. I started walking to the one on the left, but I felt compelled to go to the one on the right. I slide open the side cover, and set my box in. My mouth dropped open. Books. Lots of them. And not just any kind of books. Computer books. Java, Cisco, VB.NET, Oracle, Leo Laporte. I was there for 15 minutes just grabbing books and putting them in the back of my truck. I just couldn’t believe. All in all, I got 40 books. At $20 a book, that’s $800 worth of books. But that is a low. Most computer books average between $20 and $80. I am not sure who put them in the bin, but thank you. It makes my library look bigger :)
Microsoft Genuine Software
Running Linux? Need to download a Windows program for someone else? Need to validate? No problem, just run the validation tool in Wine. It will create a validation code for you! No need to REALLY be running Windows.
I Have Multiple Personalities
I must have multiple personalities, as it seems I may have emailed myself:
Dear Electronerdz Member,
Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount of unsolicited spam messages during the recent week. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and confirm the attached document so you will not run into any future problems with the online service.
If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to cancel your membership.
Virtually yours,
The Electronerdz Support Team
+++ Attachment: No Virus found
+++ Electronerdz Antivirus -
Fix One, and Another Brakes
If my truck squeeked something awful when I used the brakes. So I sought out to change the brake pads, as they were probably worn. Well, they weren’t. They still had a lot left to them. but it turns out they were faulty and shifted around a lot. But I ended up replace the rotor anyway on one of them thinking it was that. I took 5 hours for the whole ordeal after going to get parts and everything. And just as I am finishing up, I look at the back tires… one of them is leaking brake fluid! So I check it out, and the brake cylinder was leaking. So I replaced that… well, now I finally have it all fixed and bled, and I tightened up the emergency brake, and everything is working good. Now, to change the tranny fluid in my car…
Lawyer’s “Trust Fund”
You know what is really funny? The Lawyer has set up a trust fund for Chris Wilson. I bet he was going to do it for free or next to nothing because of the international coverage. But now people are going to throw money at him… and what if it is never enough? What will he do with the money? The money just eventually goes into the pocket of the lawyers.
What goes around, comes around. Chris Wilson has finally gotten arrested. He faces life in prison if convicted. I personally would like to see him convicted, but even if he does, at least he has the record now.
Free Wireless for All
I am sitting in the Polk Theatre right now. And it has wireless! I don’t know about all areas, but the part I am sitting at right now, right above the stairs, works. I am waiting for Jessica though, as she has not arrived yet. Maybe she is still doing a lot of money counting… but it doesn’t seem like that busy of a movie… oh, nevermind, here she is.
Work, Work, Work
I have to work all weekend. I am sitting here at a clients right now. I have been here since 9:00 this morning, and have been setting up 10 new computers, and moving around and upgrading a few others. I’m making good money though. And luckily, he has XM radio throughout the building, so I am blasting Ethel on it :) I am also dancing around a lot, so hopefully there is no one peeking in the windows.
And tomorrow, I am laying block, and coming back here to double-check everything. Then I have another appointment after that. What am I, a slave?
I still need to go running. When are we going to go Amber?? You haven’t bugged me enough.
Piracy is OK when it’s not you
I am sitting here at PCC listening to two guys talking about stupid things. Right now, they are talking about the one guys band. He just said “We were going to put our songs on our site, but we were afraid that people might take them or something like that. They can go do something else.” They were just talking a few minutes ago about how they download movies, and don’t bother going to the movie theater anymore. It’s a little ironic. Uh, and now they are talking about downloading Family Guy DVD rips. “I don’t care about giving back,” he just said. But he does care about his own band’s music. Ironic isn’t it?