So the new Taco Bell in Auburndale FINALLY opened up. Well, it only took them like a month, but still. I’d say it definitely has that Auburndale charm as they play good ol’ American country music inside. They are a little slow (even when I was the only customer), but they’ll get better. Looks like they have a lot of new trainee’s that are trying to get the hang of slopping things together. Thankfully, it’s right down the street from my office so now I don’t have to go to Wendy’s all the time. AND… right next to it, a Chili’s is almost done being built. That will be a nice place to stop for lunch or dinner every once and while when working at the office.
Ho Ho Ho
No, not that kind of ho (not this Christmas I guess). So my family and I celebrated Christmas a day early this year. I did my shopping at CVS this year. Took me about 5 minutes. It was cards, in which I put cash into. It’s the only time I had for shopping. Some friends are getting me presents, and asked them to not get me anything, and they still did. Oh well, they get nothing. My three big gifts this year: microwave (with stainless steel!!), slow cooker recipe book (mmmm), and a picture and frame of Meiko which has gone next to my bed.
Mii Want to Play
Ok, Johnny Chung Lee rocks. Watch all three videos. The last one… will blow your mind. I soooo want a Wii now. You better have gotten me one for Christmas :-p
Like the New Yorkers Do It
Ever been to New York and see the staging that surrounds buildings? I have that going up the side of my tower right now. Makes things so much easier to mount things. I have currently moved my television antenna higher, and played with the pointing of it. I now get all kinds of channels:
WEDU 3 – PBS, includes 4 channels
WFLA 8 – NBC, beautiful HD picture, includes an all weather channel
WTSP 10 – CBS, includes all weather channel
WTVT 13 – FOX, haven’t watched it much yet
WUSF 16 – PBS, includes 4 channels
WCLF 22 – CTN, Some religious channel
WFTS 28 – ABC, includes all weather station
WMOR 32 – Local channel for Lakeland, in HD I think
WTTA 38 – Haven’t really watched it yet, so I’m not sure
WTOG 44 – CW, yes, the CW. Too bad Gilmore Girls isn’t on anymore :-p
WVEA 62 – Spanish channel, usually plays good movies in Spanish and has hot Spanish girls
WXPX 66 – ION, I haven’t figured out what this channel is all about so far, but has 4 sub channels.
So counting all the sub channels, I have 24 channels, of which 18 I would actually watch. Most, if not all, in HD (depending on the programming). All over-the-air. Screw cable. This works just fine for me.
Time to Get Drunk?
I’ve been asked if I was going to throw another New Years party… I wasn’t planning on it, but I have been looking for an excuse to get drunk… so I just may. If you’d like to put in your vote for a party, please comment. If you need my address to see how far away I am, let me know. I will also need a designated party planner helper. In the past, this was Jessica, but you all know what happened there.
Go here to see pictures from the last party.
Go Green
I had to yell at Meiko last night. I was getting ready for bed, and walked out into the living room (I always do this for some reason). It was then that I saw her looking up at me standing over my Kermit. I’ve had this Kermit doll since I was a couple of years old or something (my mother, who will undoubtedly comment, will give you the specific time period). So I yelled at her and swiped it back, checked for puncture holes, and hung him even higher over my bed. Yes, he hangs over my bed. I don’t know why, he just does. He’s done it for the last 5 years, he will continue to do it.
Try 6 to 9 Weeks
So I got an email today, from the “IRS”:
After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $109.30. Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 6-9 days in order to process it.
A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.
To access the form for your tax refund, please click here
Internal Revenue Service
You know what stands out about this email (other than the obvious fact that the IRS does NOT email)?
allow us 6-9 days in order to process it
Since when does the IRS EVER process something in 6 to 9 days? They don’t do things in single digit days. It’s more like weeks.
So of course, I went to the site, and they want my “credit card” to give me my money back. So I give them Billy Bob Joe’s credit card number. And his pin number, 1234.
You Attack Village, You Must Die
So there I am, harmlessly walking over to my porch to say hello to Meiko who is on the other side of the screen. As I get close to her, BAM! A bee/wasp/insect like creature from the pits of hell/whatever stings me. Right on my arm near the inside of my elbow. All because I was near their nest. But I’ll show them… chemical agent warfare… here I come.
P.S. The bite kinda looks like a nipple. Luckily, the pain only lasted a minute. Well, maybe not luckily, seeing as I appear to have an addiction to pain.
And So it Begins
Well, the world is officially going down the crapper. There is an excellent movie, Idocracy, that came out a little while ago. It barely hit the radar because Fox didn’t want to bother with it. In this movie, there is a drink called Brawndo. It’s like Gatorade, but with “electrolytes, it’s what plants crave!” If you haven’t seen the movie, call me immediately to set up a movie night, I own it. Anyway, I’ve always felt that the world will eventually become what is portrayed in this movie. Apparently, my feelings are becoming true during my lifetime. I present to you, Brawndo, the energy drink. Yes, kids, it’s real. There is even a commercial on YouTube. It’s sad. I need to build my own Virgin Galactic and high-tail it out of here.
Bathroom Remodel
So I am starting on my master bathroom remodel soon. I am working with paint options. Here are a few I am thinking:
What do you think?