Woodstock ’05

Yesterday has to have been the worst day of my life. My truck has been broken down for a few days. Bad steering gear box. So I ordered a new (remanufactured) one from Discount Auto Parts. I put it in yesterday. It worked great for about 2 minutes, then the steering locked up tight. Checked the pump, believe me, it’s pumping. So the gear box is bad. So I had to tear it all back out and get another one at Discount Auto Parts. I paid more for a different brand this time. So anyway, after all that, I was pretty aggrevated. I went to Tampa to go to a Dave Mathews concert with Lowell and his friends. It was at the Ford Ampitheater. Don’t waste your time. That place sucks. The parking is horrible, because they make you do u-turns, then drive through the mud. I walked around for an hour trying to find Lowell, who was further aggravating me by lying about where he was. I finally get into the theater, and find out we have “lawn seats.” No seats, just a bunch of grass. And guess what, it was drizzling out. So anyway, waiting for the concert, one of Lowell’s friends spills beer on me. Yay. During the concert, twice, some girl looked back at me and gave me this evil look and smiled as if she was going to kill me later. Jessica say’s she was hitting on me, but I don’t see how. Anyway, continuing on, someone at the concert had to smoke pot. I felt like throwing up. It is such an awful smell. Also, the entire time, Lowell was with his “other” girlfriend, and I felt like beating him up. So anyway, I finally leave, early, and get onto the highway, and as I am doing this, my transmission slips as if it wants to go down the first. I figured it was probably just the wet road. I get all the way back to Lakeland, and get to the first stop sign. I take off, but my car barely moves. I barely moved for about 500 feet at about 1/2 mile an hour. I broke down. I am assuming the tranny in my car is shot. I had to get towed home. So now I have no vehicles, and hundreds of dollars in repairs to work on. Anyway, that was yesterday. Hopefully today will be a better day.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

One thought to “Woodstock ’05”

  1. What?! Lowell has more than one girlfriend? And you can use my car if you put gas in it.

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