
So I’ve taken another step in my home improvement/energy savings. Yesterday, I got a 7-day programmable thermostat. While I am away, the temperature will go up, but at night, it will go back down. And on the weekends, it won’t go up so much. Of course, I was hooking up the wires, and I snapped the head off of one of the screws. I tried drilling the screw out, stuffing the cable in, etc. Nothing. So I MacGyvered it. The cover will press on the wire (via finely crafted, stacked pieces of rubber), and hold it against the terminal. And this morning, I took apart my leaky faucet, and will be getting new O-rings for it so it will leak no more. Now if I’d only wash the floors or something…


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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