I See You

How can people get so much spyware/adware on their computers and not do anything about it. I can honestly say I have never gotten any of that crap on my computers. In fact, neither have my sisters (my mother, maybe). Yes, my laptop runs Linux, but I sometimes use Windows with certain clients where Windows will be required. And of course my desktop runs Linux. It will not be poisoned by Windows.

Here is a picture of a piñata in mid air.

In other news, I am making sure I don’t leave tools on the job anymore. At one of my jobs, someone tried getting into a room that a few tools were being stored into (none of mine luckily). They were unsuccessful as it was a steel door. Funniest thing is though, it was in a sheet-rock wall. If they wanted in that bad, they could have just broken through the wall. Idiots. And I think they were driving a silver pick-up truck. Earlier that day, I saw one driving off after making a racket, and then later, my father told me an extension cord was missing. So if you know someone with a yellow hand made extension cord with 220v plugs, and a crowbar with bright white paint all over it, let me know.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

4 thoughts to “I See You”

  1. Hey it’s my pinata. So what do you mean by spyware/adware. Is it..good we don’t have it?

  2. Yes, it is very good to not have it. If you have it, it is bad. You computer will get sick and start throwing up computer parts. Then it will start to spy on you, cause it thinks that you got it sick. Then it eats all of your food, and wears your clothes when you are not at home.

  3. HEY THATS ME! My computer has spyware/adware :( i was wondering what happend to all my clothes :(

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