Right of Way

I am tired of people stopping unnecessarily to let me go. When I am on my bike riding on the Fort Fraser trail, people at the Bartow Hospital and Bartow Ford stop as I come up. I have a little stop sign. They have right of way. They are in a big metal cage. I am protected by cotton (actually, I think it is a synthetic, but still… actually, I should probably where cotton). A couple of times, I have shook my head to let them know that I am not going to go, and you can see that they get mad that I didn’t take their gesture. I understand they are being kind, but they could also be some serial killer that hates bikers and wants to run them down. I know that if they are passed me and going the opposite direction of me, the chances of getting hit are very slim. One day, someone is going to let someone pass, and some idiot driver will come flying around them and run down some little girl.

People have been doing this in their vehicles a lot lately also. At least then, I am in a big steel box like them. But I still don’t need the gesture. If you have the right of way, and no stop sign, and I do… then GO!!!