The Journey Begins

I am heading out now. My first stop is IHOP, which is supposedly right on the corner. Then I am heading over to Ritz camera to get some accessories to hopefully make me look less like a tourist, and more like a photographer just getting some good shots. This is why I am only carrying my one credit card and no cash also. And my phone is going in my pocket. I am thinking I need some headphones too to make me look like some local just listening to his iPod or something.

Bad Start

Well, the trip has started off bad so far. I hope it will be better tomorrow. Lowell was not at the airport when I got there and had already left. So I called him and asked where he was, and he told me I would have to take the BART and then a taxi to the hotel. I used a few select words, and he decided to come pick me up with his cousin. They dropped me off at the hotel and left me here. He is staying with his cousin tonight. The place feels like a roach motel.

Anyway, I am trying to figure out what I want to do tomorrow. I have been told to visit Pier 3. I’d also like to see the crooked street. I’d also like to see the Golden Gate Park. It looks like it is going to be a lot of walking. I’ll definitely sleep well, and get some good exercise. I’ll do it all without Lowell.