Rhode Island: The Gentleman’s Club

Well, I slept much better last night than I have been since I took melatonin this time. I believe I slept for 10 hours. So this morning, we headed out towards Providence. I brought my grandmother to Target (as it’s too busy around there for her). We then went to the Providence Place Mall. A three story mall that would blow Lakeland’s mall out of the water. I mean heck, it even has an Apple Store. Driving around the city part of Providence is a little crazy, but I found my way around ok. Leaving however… let’s just say that the Route 6/I-295 intersection and I don’t mix well.

For lunch, we stopped at a restaurant called the Gentleman Farmer. I kept joking with my grandmother that she was taking me to a gentleman’s club. Their food is excellent. The waitresses were cute. I highly recommend the place. We drove around a bit more, and I learned more about the history of Foster, RI. You can see some of it in the photos.

Finally, this evening I saw my Aunt Louisa and Uncle Gil. I haven’t seen them in probably 10 years! Of course, I got the same old “You look just like your father!” Sigh. I also saw my father’s old friend, Ted. I’ve heard so many amusing stories about Ted and the things he did while helping my father build houses.

Anyway, check out more pictures on the photo gallery. Start on page 6 to see the new pictures.