It’s been a busy last few weeks. I needed a break. So I took one with Danielle. We spent Friday afternoon at Busch Gardens. It was a blast. Well, sorta. So we got there at about 1:30. Got her ticket (I’ve got a pass, so I get right in), and headed for SheiKra. By the time we got in line, we were dripping in sweat. It was hot out. And being surrounded by hundreds of other sweaty people was not helping. So we get about 15 feet from the ride… and then it starts raining and thundering. They shut the ride down. For about 45 minutes. We waited it out however. And it was worth the wait! While standing in line, the girl in front of us looked strikingly similar to Amber. It was uncanny their similarities in both mannerisms and posture. They had the same physical features, from the hair down. They even wear the same clothes. It actually started freaking me out. I snuck a picture of her… shhh.
After the first ride, it got to be more fun. We went on water rides, and even a short “Safari” ride, called Rhino Rally. The girl driving the truck was quite hilarious. As we were all piling in, some old lady couldn’t figure out the seatbelt, and the driver said “It’s just a seatbelt. They’ve been around since 1893.” We also stopped by the special “brownies” left by the rhinos. She made sure to move slowly by them so we could all get the “full effect”.
Also, Jungala just did not impress me. Maybe I didn’t see all of it, but it’s mostly kids things (in fact, it says you must be accompanied by a child. And the there was only two tigers out. Now, if they had thrown out a big hunk of meat, I might have been impressed, but there was nothing. Just a sleeping tiger.
Toward the end of the evening, the park started emptying out. It’s Summer Nights at Busch Gardens, and it stays open later. The lines on the rides were incredibly short. We rode Montu, and both became dizzy and started a headache. We then headed for SheiKra again (via the skyride, where the ferocious child strollers must ride alone). We rode it twice. However, on the second time, I literally saw a drop of water smash into my eye, and there was nothing I could do about it. All I could do was watch in horror as my head (forced back in the seat by the G-force) headed for falling droplets of water. Then, the water smashed into my eye at 70mph. Also, I must note that each time we rode it, we were shoeless. It made the ride quite a bit more interesting.
Anyway, it is now a full 24 hours later, and I am still drained of energy. We will save more trips to Busch Gardens for another day (or night when the rides have shorter lines, and it’s not so hot out).