Hand Hurting

So earlier this week I got a new toy. I bought myself on early Christmas present, a Lenovo X200 Tablet PC. If you don’t know what a tablet PC is, it’s one of those laptops that you fold down and write on it with a special pen (I am doing it right now in fact). It’s been a bit of a rocky road to get it usable however. It came with Windows Vista. Yeah. I still don’t like it. I will not recommend it to people yet. For the first two days it locked up several times a day and required constant rebooting. However, I found a nifty update program from Lenovo, and updated Office 2007 land it’s been running smoothly ever since. On Friday evening I met up with a guy on Craigslist and picked up a Sprint 595U card. It’s USB. Obviously, I wouldn’t want a device sticking out of my computer so a little fine and some electrical tape and I got it to work inside.

Yesterday I went to the gun show and picked up a few things. I got a “bore-snake” for my father’s SKS that I hope to acquire. I also picked up a lower for an AR-15, because come 2009, I may not be able to get that sort of stuff. I plan on building my own customized AR-15.

Well, all this “writing” is making my hand hurt, so I’m done now.