Wasp Swarm

The other day I called my father and expressed interested in moving/getting rid of his boxes from his old truck. He only wanted me to save the hardware, and didn’t care about the rest. Burn day! So yesterday, I decided to start disassembling them. I opened the top of one, and whoosh! I swarm of wasps went for my head. I immediately closed it and got out of there (un-stung thankfully). I went to WalMart to get some spray, and decided to get some foggers… I had an evil plan brewing. I got back home, and readied myself. I took a fogger, started it, lifted the top of the box, and threw it in, and closed it again. I let it fog for a few minutes. Then opened it up. My “flash grenade” idea had worked! They were writhing around, and I finished them off with the wasp spray. Today, I took apart 90% of the boxes while killing lots of roaches, and threw them in the fire. I made sure I saved the hardware, or most of it anyway. I also cleaned up a bit of brush. Danielle and Noah also helped cleanup the yard a little bit by raking leaves. Danielle looked hot in her mini-skirt, and she thought my axe swinging skills were hot. Next weekend, I start a bigger project. There is an old shed in the back. The floor is rotten, and trusses are falling apart. It has a lean-to that I must save, so I have to figure out how to deal with that. I am thinking of building a false wall next to the shed and lowering it on that. I’m going to get myself an electric reciprocating saw, and go to town. And once that is out, I’m going to disassemble an old truck in the back yard and scrap it. I’ve got someone that would like to help me out with that one. I also took about 20+ minutes moving around one of my jetski trailers. I learned quite a bit about maneuvering trailers. It’s not easy. Bobby has also set up a pool at my house for his koi fish, as he is moving into an apartment. They will be there for a bit while he tries to get a koi farm up and running.

I’ve also put some thought into buying some land and building a house. Next door to me is an empty piece of property. My neighbors up front have supposedly wanted to buy my house and are wondering when I’m leaving (their son keeps asking me). If I can get the old lady next door to sell the property, and then get my neighbors to buy mine, I should have some money left over to start building a house. The only reason I have even started thinking about this is because Danielle told me she liked the area I live in. I like the area because it’s in the boonies, and it isn’t like the “gated community” I went into today. You must drive off to the side to enter a gate code, and maneuver your Hummer around a block column. It baffles me how these people that live in this half million dollar houses community would deal with that. Oh, and of course, when you leave, the gate opens towards you.

I’ll Call You

One of my customers is a dentist (well, a periodontist to be exact). So I setup an appointment for Danielle with him. She thinks it’s been 10 years since she’s had a “real” cleaning, so she was due (thankfully though, she takes very good care of her teeth otherwise). It was to be at 4:00 today. I called her at 3:36 to see if she’d left yet. She hadn’t, so I said, get going! So she starts collecting everything together, and goes “Uh oh, I can’t find my cell phone.” So I say, “Would you like me to hang up and call it?”. She says “Yes,” and then realizes, she’s on it… it was hilarious. Anyway, she leaves and I get a call back at 4:01. She was lost. So I tried figuring out where she was. The appointment was in Winter Haven. She was still in Auburndale, driving in circles for the last 20 minutes. So yeah, had to reschedule for her. Next time, I’ll have to take her!

Anger Expression

I’ve been [making an attempt to] reading a book, Parenting by The Book, by John Rosemond. It’s made me think a lot about how to raise children. Being that I am in a relationship that involves children, I’ve become more interested in the subject. It’s also made me think a lot about how my parents raised me, and how I learn by their example. Which brings me to my subject, anger. I’ve only seen my father truly angry once or twice in my life. I can’t say that I know how to express it constructively. Yesterday, I ripped one of my favorite pairs of jeans, and had a huge tear at the back pocket. I could not go into public looking like that, and decided to move some of my appointments because of my “wardrobe malfunction”. I was with Danielle at the time, and mentioned that I could throw a patch on it so I could still use the pants for something. She decided that it’d not be a good idea, and tore them more. This made me a little angry. Later that night, I went to her house, still wearing the same jeans (went straight from the office to her place). We had dinner, and watched some TV. That day, we both had a little extra energy and were play wrestling. Well, she decided to go for my pants again, exacerbating the situation for me. We continued to wrestle, while the rip in my pants went from pocket to foot. The wrestling was getting rougher, and my strength had come out. I did not hurt her, but I felt I had gone too far and was getting far too angry and did not know how to express the anger. I decided I should probably go home and got up and started to get ready. There was a long silence after that, and we ended up talking about it instead. I’ve decided I need to find more constructive ways to express my anger, and express myself sooner when I feel discomfort in a situation instead of dwelling on it and letting it get too far.

In other, but possibly related news, I no longer have A/C at home (again). As I’ve mentioned before, I had to rig my fan to keep it going as the relay had died. Well, on Saturday, I decided to look into it more and found out it was very much possible that it was actually the thermostat wire causing the problem (and therefore not kicking on the fan). I won’t mention any names, but a particular someone had spliced the thermostat wire 3 separate times before actually getting into the air conditioner (where there was one more additional splice. So I pulled a new thermostat wire. Hooked everything up, and got ready to turn it all back on. Click. No fan. Electrical burning smell. Click. I walk back out, and see smoke coming out of the drain tube. I grab a fire extinguisher just in case. I open it up. The fan that moves the air into the house decided it wanted to retire and burned up. Some of the wires turned black. I do not know what caused the problem, all I know is I don’t have several thousand dollars to replace the unit. So since winter is coming, I’ve decided to be A/C-less until spring. I’m rarely home anyway, and I appear to sleep better at night when it’s warm in the room. If I have to, I’ll get a window unit for the bedroom.

Of course, all of this makes me feel as if I’ve been humbling myself. I feel like I am going back to the basics. I am hand-washing dishes. I don’t have A/C at home. I don’t have cable TV. I’ll find a way to still use my torn pants for something. And I’ve even expressed interest in hanging my clothes again instead of using the dryer. Some call me cheap, but I call it humble.

Boo! Hey, what’s up?

So me, Danielle, Bobby and Brittani went to Halo-Scream last night First we went to Carrabas… mmm… Wild Berry Cocktails. Then we finally got to Busch Gardens. It was interesting inside the park. The last time I went to one of those (Halloween Horror Nights) was probably over 5 years ago. Things have changed. I am guessing because of the countless lawsuits about people getting hurt or “touched” the wrong way, that they keep changing the way they do things. For example, there were hundreds of Exit signs, with multiple exit doors. The ones I went to before didn’t have any that I remember. I can’t really speak for the level of scariness, as I am usually just shuffling though haunted houses without a single jump. Danielle however… that’s a different story. In the first house, she about broke a finger she was squeezing so hard. In the next few, I got her to hold my hand differently, and instead, she cut off the circulation in my hand. It was a blast though. I loved how she was clinging to me and getting mad when I wasn’t scared and laughed. It was sooo cute. The most interesting part was when we walked though this tunnel. The floor was stationary, but the tunnel spun and was spiral looking. This produced a very dizzying affect, and I could not stand up straight. We ended off the night with me and Bobby going on Montu, and Danielle and Brittani going on Gwazi. Then we switched off, and me and Danielle headed to Sheikra. We got up to the last couple of steps, and then… “Sorry for the inconvenience”. The ride was having problems. We waiting around for about 10 minutes, and it still didn’t open up. So we left. I don’t know why, but every time me and Danielle get to Sheikra, it breaks down. I think it’s a conspiracy.

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