Wasp Swarm

The other day I called my father and expressed interested in moving/getting rid of his boxes from his old truck. He only wanted me to save the hardware, and didn’t care about the rest. Burn day! So yesterday, I decided to start disassembling them. I opened the top of one, and whoosh! I swarm of wasps went for my head. I immediately closed it and got out of there (un-stung thankfully). I went to WalMart to get some spray, and decided to get some foggers… I had an evil plan brewing. I got back home, and readied myself. I took a fogger, started it, lifted the top of the box, and threw it in, and closed it again. I let it fog for a few minutes. Then opened it up. My “flash grenade” idea had worked! They were writhing around, and I finished them off with the wasp spray. Today, I took apart 90% of the boxes while killing lots of roaches, and threw them in the fire. I made sure I saved the hardware, or most of it anyway. I also cleaned up a bit of brush. Danielle and Noah also helped cleanup the yard a little bit by raking leaves. Danielle looked hot in her mini-skirt, and she thought my axe swinging skills were hot. Next weekend, I start a bigger project. There is an old shed in the back. The floor is rotten, and trusses are falling apart. It has a lean-to that I must save, so I have to figure out how to deal with that. I am thinking of building a false wall next to the shed and lowering it on that. I’m going to get myself an electric reciprocating saw, and go to town. And once that is out, I’m going to disassemble an old truck in the back yard and scrap it. I’ve got someone that would like to help me out with that one. I also took about 20+ minutes moving around one of my jetski trailers. I learned quite a bit about maneuvering trailers. It’s not easy. Bobby has also set up a pool at my house for his koi fish, as he is moving into an apartment. They will be there for a bit while he tries to get a koi farm up and running.

I’ve also put some thought into buying some land and building a house. Next door to me is an empty piece of property. My neighbors up front have supposedly wanted to buy my house and are wondering when I’m leaving (their son keeps asking me). If I can get the old lady next door to sell the property, and then get my neighbors to buy mine, I should have some money left over to start building a house. The only reason I have even started thinking about this is because Danielle told me she liked the area I live in. I like the area because it’s in the boonies, and it isn’t like the “gated community” I went into today. You must drive off to the side to enter a gate code, and maneuver your Hummer around a block column. It baffles me how these people that live in this half million dollar houses community would deal with that. Oh, and of course, when you leave, the gate opens towards you.