Boo! Hey, what’s up?

So me, Danielle, Bobby and Brittani went to Halo-Scream last night First we went to Carrabas… mmm… Wild Berry Cocktails. Then we finally got to Busch Gardens. It was interesting inside the park. The last time I went to one of those (Halloween Horror Nights) was probably over 5 years ago. Things have changed. I am guessing because of the countless lawsuits about people getting hurt or “touched” the wrong way, that they keep changing the way they do things. For example, there were hundreds of Exit signs, with multiple exit doors. The ones I went to before didn’t have any that I remember. I can’t really speak for the level of scariness, as I am usually just shuffling though haunted houses without a single jump. Danielle however… that’s a different story. In the first house, she about broke a finger she was squeezing so hard. In the next few, I got her to hold my hand differently, and instead, she cut off the circulation in my hand. It was a blast though. I loved how she was clinging to me and getting mad when I wasn’t scared and laughed. It was sooo cute. The most interesting part was when we walked though this tunnel. The floor was stationary, but the tunnel spun and was spiral looking. This produced a very dizzying affect, and I could not stand up straight. We ended off the night with me and Bobby going on Montu, and Danielle and Brittani going on Gwazi. Then we switched off, and me and Danielle headed to Sheikra. We got up to the last couple of steps, and then… “Sorry for the inconvenience”. The ride was having problems. We waiting around for about 10 minutes, and it still didn’t open up. So we left. I don’t know why, but every time me and Danielle get to Sheikra, it breaks down. I think it’s a conspiracy.

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