One of my customers is a dentist (well, a periodontist to be exact). So I setup an appointment for Danielle with him. She thinks it’s been 10 years since she’s had a “real” cleaning, so she was due (thankfully though, she takes very good care of her teeth otherwise). It was to be at 4:00 today. I called her at 3:36 to see if she’d left yet. She hadn’t, so I said, get going! So she starts collecting everything together, and goes “Uh oh, I can’t find my cell phone.” So I say, “Would you like me to hang up and call it?”. She says “Yes,” and then realizes, she’s on it… it was hilarious. Anyway, she leaves and I get a call back at 4:01. She was lost. So I tried figuring out where she was. The appointment was in Winter Haven. She was still in Auburndale, driving in circles for the last 20 minutes. So yeah, had to reschedule for her. Next time, I’ll have to take her!