While at church the other day, I was invited to go camping with a few of the guys there (including the pastor apparently) to Suwannee River State Park. I said I’d probably be able to go, I just needed to find out what I had for supplies. Well, when I got home, I found I had a tent, but no sleeping bags. While at Sam’s Club, I noticed this great sleeping bag, called a "Mummy Bag". It wraps around your body, and is excellent for cold temperatures. So I emailed Clark, the guy who invited me, and asked him just what kind of camping this was. He called it "primitive". While on this two day hike that we will be embarking on, I will be carrying all of the following and then some:
- Backpack
- Sleeping bag
- Tent
- Water and food
- Tools (knife, flashlight, etc.)
- First-aid
- Matches and other fire material
- Toilet paper and possibly shovel
- Cooking/eating accessories
- Change of clothing
Of course, as I thought of all this, my current backpacks would no way near support all this. So now I am looking at backpacks. I stopped in at the Army Navy Vet place today, and fell in love with the Condor 3-Day Assault Pack. It has lots of room and straps, and even a place to put the water bladder that I currently have from another backpack. The only other thing I should need is some better boots, which I’ll find a place that has a 2-for-1 deal going and get some regular everyday shoes and some boots.
I’m really excited about going. I should be lots of fun and a great experience and plenty of excercise. The last time I remember camping, I was in Boy Scouts with my mom. I don’t remember all of the experience except a sleeping bag similar to the one I got, and a big field where the Boy Scouts were having activities. Oh, and trying to find a good place to set up the tent.
If you’ve got any tips or pointers, I’d be glad to hear them.