
As I’ve mentioned, business is growing. Our new office space is official. I signed the lease yesterday. We begin moving our stuff on Monday. I’ve also met/interviewed/orientated two new employees. One has been working for us for a couple of weeks now, but he lives in Tallahassee (he handles phone support). He was recently down for a few days, and I took him on a job with me. The other, I had him ride around with me yesterday to see what I do, and he will be officially starting on Monday. His job at first will be working on the home computers and doing general maintenance. I am feeling really good about this growth and the direction of the company.

I am also learning “leadership”. I’m almost finished with the parenting book that me and Danielle have been reading. There have been some interesting insights in the book. It’s not that the book so much “tells” you how to parent, but makes you think about your parenting, and reinstates the common sense stuff. I think this will help me in my business too. The book commonly refers to politicians (in a negative sense) and CEO (in a positive sense).

Well, this morning, Danielle is going knitting with a friend, and I get to help Noah and Nora build character ;-)