This Post – It Will Happin

A few days ago, I was called out to set up someone’s wireless. They took it upon themselves to help me out, and take the card out of the old computer themselves. They shouldn’t have:

Bad card! Bad bad card!

And this was after I tried fixing it a bit. There wasn’t much hope for it. However, it did still fit in the new computer with a little TLC.

Don’t ever go to the Sun Dome. They will watch you stand in the rain getting soaked and tell you to throw away your umbrella before they ever let you in. Then, when you put stuff in your purse, they will scold you, and tell you to never take it out while you are there. And also, do not take the stairs, they lead to nowhere. Just locked doors. I went there for the Killers. It was a good show, albeit it felt short to me. I’ve got a bunch of pictures, so if you want to see, let me know.

The Killers
The Killers

I was helping my father last night with a project of his, and the equipment had written on it the following:

Millenium Bug

Also, note to IBM: the round peg does not fit in the square hole. In other words, don’t sell a brand new laptop with a PS/2 mouse when the laptop does not even have a PS/2 port. It makes the customer very angry.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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