
I’ve FINALLY got Ubuntu Hoary installed on my laptop. Things work so much better. I think I’ve also figured out what I am going to do with syncing my Contacts and Calendar back and forth. I will be using WebCAL and LDAP since MultiSync is currently a joke. However, this still leaves out my Zaurus. Hopefully I can find a solution for that also.

Well, Meiko is crazy. Well, kinda. She loves to run all over the place. She also likes to knead my stomach. But she is no longer sick other than the occasional sneeze. You can see her here eating:

I’ve also had a good fire going since yesterday. Cleaning up the yard a bit. Maybe I can sell it sometime soon and get a bigger house :)


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

3 thoughts to “Craziness”

  1. what the heck is this ubuntu thing??! and better not move, and how you gonna sell our backyard to someone?

  2. I own the “backyard.” I also own the driveway. And I didn’t say I was moving away right now. Sometime soon could be years.

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