Meiko on the Prowl

Well, Meiko’s first time outside on a leash was not a success. First off, it was quite the experience just trying to get her harness on. Once she got it on, and I gave a little tug… it just turned into a drag. I finally got her outside, and it was like she had to learn how to walk all over again. Tripping and everything. She chased after a few bugs, ran around a little bit. I put her onto concrete, and could not get her to walk with me. I will have to keep trying I guess.

I had to change the fuel filter, the plugs and the plug wires in my truck. It was running crappy, but now, it’s like a new truck!

I also have a scrape on my hand that is in the shape of a heart. I told Jessica it was for her, but she didn’t like it :(


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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