May It Go to a Better Place :'(

I am feeling down. Today I must get rid of the second computer that I owned. It was an AST Advantage! 614. It sported a Pentium, at 100MHz, 8MB of RAM, and a HUGE 850MB hard drive. I had upgraded from a 386/25MHz with 4MB of RAM, and only a 40GB hard drive. I had moved from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95. It even had a 14.4 modem! That was far better than the 1200 baud. I also first got the Internet on this computer. It was from Sigh. However, I must haul it off. It will be hard carrying it away. I am contemplating turning it on for one last bootup, but alas, I must let go. For I have moved on. Let us have a moment of silence.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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