My truck had a little hiccup last week. Ok, a big hiccup. The transmission decided to crap out. It threw up all of its fluid, and then crawled on the ground. I thought about it over the weekend about what to do. I either had to drop another $700+ into it to rebuild the transmission, or buy a newer truck. Well, until I turn 25, insurance is gonna be awful. So I have 7 more months before it gets cheaper. I opted to drop more money into it. Also, to make matters worse, the transmission in my Mustang isn’t getting better, even after a fluid/filter change. So one of these days, I will have to rebuild that one too I suppose. I’ve also got a huge tax bill to pay, but some recent transactions have helped me there. I’ve also got the work cabinets installed into my office. And last but not least, my parents now have a blog. Check it out at I’ve also got my cabinets in my office up. Once it is organized, I will take some pictures and post them. Anyway, I must go do something more useful, like working out or something.