
I have finally upgraded from Hoary to Breezy. It broke a few things:

  • Evolution – Inbox is empty on my IMAP? So I switched to Thunderbird. I’m loving having extensions.
  • ESD was all screwed up, so I removed the ALSA part.
  • Pi-Sync will no longer run because of some Qt style

That is all I have noticed so far. The last one is really annoying at the moment, because now I have no Calendar, except for the one on my laptop. And it runs in Dapper, so why not Breezy? This is why I don’t like doing dist-upgrade stuff. I just like to start anew.

I’ve also noticed that I have burn-in on my brand new (5 months old) Dell 20" monitor. Go figure…


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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