My office now stays at a steady 72 degrees. It feels wonderful in here. Me and Jessica come in here and hang out every once and a while now too to cool down. My closet stays at about 75 degrees. There are currently two servers running in there (along with UPS’s, cable modem, router, switch). I will eventually have one more server in there when I figure out how to get a few things going on it (and get the time to do it). I wish I could put my MythTV box in there too.
hey.. yeah i remember you. :) it seems you’ve been doing alright, if your room is at 72 degrees. or at least in some areas. it’s good to hear from you. um.. sex on a park bench while high? i dunno.. i think that memory is distorted. i mean, i can’t really recall that incident. it might have been something similar but not the same. not sure. also, i drove transit. i never got the extra licensing for school busses. but it’s cool.
so like, yeah, my LJ hasn’t been updated in awhile. i’m glad it’s still there, and i want to get back to it, but i’ve been too busy with school and work to really write in it i guess. been on irc instead. no one calls me w4lru5 anymore. the name is just funny to me now. last few years everyone calls me sprout ’cause my name translates as that into english. it works.
anyway, i have a final in a couple hours and i’ve gotta catch a train to Newark and all to take it. so i should head out. but yeah.. um, i use aim still- my s/n is pocketsthenomad. say hi if you’re on there. or if not, email me at .. anyway yeah gotta go. take care Jason. :)
Jason, how does one contact you without posting a comment? :) I wanted to send you information relted to your WBEL 4 “Page” but see no comment capabilities there.
I wanted to share a bit of info to augment yours that might help others.
Kind Regards,