Well, it is past midnight, and I am now 25 years old. I’m a quarter of a century old. It’s sad, isn’t it? At least I am out here in Myrtle Beach having fun. I am getting a good tan (hopefully not a burn), getting up late, and doing a lot of swimming for exercise. I don’t know if there is anything planned for me tomorrow, but nothing special I am sure. I really don’t want to do anything special, other than eat my chocolate covered peanut butter balls from Cracker Barrel, and drink my rum from Lowell. However, maybe a particular friend of mine will send me my present that she was supposed to send over a year ago. Maybe not.
Now that I am 25, several things open up for me. I can rent cars, and my car insurace will go down. Thank goodness for that last one.
I wonder how Mieko is doing. She must be so lonely. Sheena has still not sent me pictures of her so I can see how she is doing. And she won’t call me and put Mieko on the phone. But I did get her a present that she should love.
Well, it is late, and I must start my 25th birthday with some sleep.
P.S. I’ve also uploaded some more pictures to the gallery, so check them out.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jason, happy birthday to yoouuuuuu
Happy Birthday Jay.
meiko is a brat, and sophia is a huge brat.
Why is this? What did they do to you? Tell Mieko I will be home soon.