Magic Death Indians playing with Reservoir Dog/Cat Cowboys

One word: Costume Party. Ok, that was two, but anyway, last night was crazy. We arrived to Matt’s birthday party around 9:30. He was already drunk, Karrah was on her way. They continued to do several shots, and before you knew it, Matt was telling everyone how great they were. And Karrah was constantly falling down and hitting her head and crying for a minute. Quite a few people showed up, some for only a short time. A few highlights:

  • I wore chaps
  • Matt proposed to Karrah
  • Matt has lots of porn on his computer
  • Karrah thinks she can rhumba while drunk
  • The wet seat
  • Jessica almost getting maimed by a firework
  • Karrah drank too much and… well.. you know
  • Matt and Karrah in the bathroom… no, you’re too young
  • Matt and Karrah trying to sleep

And last but not least, me getting a phone call from Matt at 5:00am asking us to go to IHOP. I don’t want to know.

Anyway, check out the pictures here.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

6 thoughts to “Magic Death Indians playing with Reservoir Dog/Cat Cowboys”

  1. haha, great pictures! I hope you all had as much fun as I did. AND there is no porn on my computer! wtf!

  2. great pictures…. I’m not sure if I should be offended by the sexy in quotation marks… but hey I tried at least ;-)

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