If you drink too much wine, you might just spill it in your laptop. I can speak from experience, because I know someone that did this to his 6 month old Dell Inspiron laptop. Well, I took it all apart and cleaned it out. Got the wine out, and dunked the keyboard in boiling water. Well, I turned it on to try it… Internal HDD error. So I took it out of its cage and checked it out. All of the unused solder points were filled with wine. So I plugged it in to my computer. Won’t even spin up. There are also burn marks on the paper in the cage. Maybe if he didn’t turn it on earlier, it wouldn’t have burned up. So, yeah… it’s shot. And I seriously don’t think Dell will cover it. Also, props to Dell for building a laptop that comes apart easily without having to break plastic snaps.
Still charging him 65 dollars?
Yeah, for the cleaning, plus the hard drive, plus the reinstall cost :)