Genius is a Doofus

RSS – Random Shutdown Syndrome. This is the newest feature of MacBooks. They randomly shut off. Jessica’s is suffering from it. I believe I have discovered the problem thought. Poor Design. That’s right, Apple has a poorly designed laptop. I found a program that makes the CPU run at 100% on the Mac. The computer shut off within a minute. It heated up, and crapped out. I put a notebook cooler under it. It ran for about 10 minutes, until I picked it up to pull the battery, then it shut off. The notebook cooler kept the bottom cool. Apple, in their infinite wisdom of trying to make the thing look “cool” seems to have not thought ahead about airflow. Being that the case only has one airhole in the back, that doesn’t create flow. It has to come from somewhere and go somewhere.

Anyway, I took it to the Apple store since I was in Tampa anyway today. I asked the guy if I could remove the hard drive so I didn’t have to worry about backing it up. He said (while sounding like the boss in Office Space) that they need the hard drive in it to test it. So I asked what would I do if I had secure data on it. He suggested turning some encryption on in the hard drive. I also mentioned that Dell actually asks me to remove the hard drive before giving it to them. Well, I don’t feel like doing any kind of encryption, so here is what I am going to do. I am going to remove the hard drive, and put in a blank one. He never said it had to have a bootable system on it (hence if it was encrypted, they couldn’t use it), just that it needed a hard drive in it (“to test”). What I don’t understand is how a repair facility doesn’t have test hard drives laying around to use for “testing” purposes. I do. I have lots of equipment laying around. I guess I am a more advanced computer repair shop than Apple is. Go figure.

So therefore, the “Genius” at the Apple Store is a doofus.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

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