Closed = Proprietery

I was just watching the local news here in New Orleans. This one clip they were doing, they were talking about BlackBerry phones and some new Blackjack phone. The reporter asked how the two were different. The guy showing the phones said that the BlackBerry ran a proprietery operating system. He implied that the Windows Mobile did not. Windows Mobile… Windows for that matter is still proprietery!! It just happens to make the development process a little easier.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

2 thoughts to “Closed = Proprietery”

  1. Blackberry’s are actually pretty cool, I administer our Blackberry network here in Vegas and we just recently signed up for the Cingular Developer program

  2. Yeah, I love getting thumb cramps too. I also love having to “sign up” to be a developer, to show off my love for proprietarity.

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