I hate Windows. With a passion. The computer I am working on here in New Orleans decided to reboot in the night. Why? Because of automatic updates! Microsoft is protecting me! By rebooting two VM’s and closing a $20,000 program without thinking “Hey, he might have some unsaved changes.” Of course, you probably want to say, “Well, you should have saved your changes.” And I would reply, I didn’t feel like sitting here for several hours while it did an import of 100 videos. I do that stuff at night, so I don’t have to sit here an wait. I am now having to redo those imports. I also had the VM’s cracking at bad DVDs to get as much video as I could off of it. A process that usually takes 12 hours if you let it go. I now have to start that over. It was already about 6+ hours in. Windows must die.
I think I want a Mac, get rid of all present stuff and get agood laptop. Can you help?
Umm… I could… I’d have to explain what will and won’t work. Unless you do a dual boot with Windows.
ok…we’ll talk when you get home.
You do realize that YOU control the settings on whether or not windows is allowed to reboot to apply updates, right? ;-)
Yes, I do. But when you turn this option on, nowhere does is say “Caution: This will just reboot your computer whenever it damn well feels like it, and doesn’t give a crap about any open programs that you have running. You will have no warning, such as ‘Would you like to reboot now?’ Just a ‘Hey, we were so thoughtful of you that we updated your Windows without give you the chance to specify a reboot.'”
This is like the third thing I disable on Windows servers.