I Control You

Being that some people just won’t go to hell, and that I hate captchas, I have been forced to moderate all comments. Certain spammers (whose computer is reading this right now) think that my readers (a whole 5 or 6 people) are interested in all sorts of things from cash advances to pet health insurance. So please don’t be surprised when your comment doesn’t show up after you place it. There is no need to try it several times.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

3 thoughts to “I Control You”

  1. Yes, I have considered the option. But I find it highly annoying to go to a website and have to give up names and passwords just to make a comment about it. I thought I had actually set it to moderate for comments with links, but for some reason, that hasn’t worked yet. It does them all. When I have more time, I may fine tune that.

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