Nerd Fest

I have been helping Bobby move into his new place. I have re-plumbed his house, and helped him move furniture yesterday. Today, I have a couple things to finish up. Tonight however, is going to be a nerd-fest. Bobby is throwing a party to celebrate a couple of new shows coming on. There will be nerds from Anakin (I think spelled that right) wanna-bes to zoologists. They will mix all of them with beer. Should I fear it? I am a nerd myself (but the Star Trek kind, not the Star Wars, like everyone else there). And will anyone like my jalepeno chips?


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

7 thoughts to “Nerd Fest”

  1. Hmm… they could be….

    And the chips went well. One guy almost ate the whole bag. I think I have him addicted to them, just as I am.

  2. People think I’m so mean when I proudly tell them that my son is a computer nerd….clueless.

  3. Jessica’s friends think I am a serial killer. Little do they know, I actually am. I memorize their license plates, then they disappear and the license plates make it into my yard.

  4. Ah. I would have thought the Jeffry Dalhmer sized freezer with the unlabeled “meat” would have been the giveaway

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