I am treating myself to a short vacation today. It is short (two and half days), but it is still a vacation. I need a break from work. I will still be answering my phone today and tomorrow. But on Saturday, I will not be answering work phone calls (unless they call like 5 times to tell me it’s an emergency). If you can’t tell from the title (duh), I am going to San Francisco. I’ve never been there. In fact, I am unsure if I have been in California or not. I went to Oregon once with someone, and drove along the coast, but I don’t remember where we stopped. I will be shooting a lot of pictures, hopefully with a memory card that works and doesn’t screw up my pictures. I have no idea what I am doing there, however, I have been told two places to visit, Chinatown, and a clam chowder shack (which doesn’t have the red clam chowder that I want). I’m really looking forward to just walking around and doing people-watching. Anyway, if there is anything you want me to bring back for you (I have already had a postcard request, so I may do that), let me know.
Oh, and I return Sunday morning. I have no idea how I am getting home. I’ll figure that out when I get there.
You can get me a souvenir!