Ok… so I am taking Bryant to the airport this morning. We’re talking, and I hear this loud thing hit the underside of my truck, like I hit a bolt or something in the road. I think nothing of it (other than, “Oh man, I hope it didn’t scratch my truck”). Anyway, driving along for a bit, and I am going by this big truck. I start to feel my truck dragging, like it is having a hard time driving. Then I feel it… my truck drops slightly, and lots of noise outside… my tire blew out. Not went flat. Blew out. Like shredded into pieces. I drive slowly till I can get to a shoulder (there are jerseys on the side of the road from construction). I get the tire changed in under 10 minutes. This was extremely quick considering I have never even touched the tools that come with my truck for changing the tire. We still make it to the airport with plenty of time. Of course, now I am driving around all day on a spare (luckily not a donut). But now I have to buy one new tire and put it on a truck that has 3 old tires with 35000 miles on each one. So I am wondering if I should change them all, or just the one. I hate having one different.
I had tire problems too
Why is it a big deal if you have one different? Better than spending money you don’t have to yet.
just get two new ones that match and keep your spare as your spare.