Ok, I’m sitting here playing rough with Meiko and I have the news on. They were talking about “green” rooms for your children. One of their ideas of green are “organic” sheets. The cotton used in the sheets did not have any kind of pesticides, etc. Ok. If you aren’t washing your sheets and are worried about pesticides in your sheets….. ???? Just… no! Why? Why are people so crazy?? People have been using sheets that weren’t “organic” for decades now and aren’t dying of some sort of pesticide poisoning. Sigh.
On a side note, this weekend was just beautiful outside. I even had my windows open all weekend and slept incredibly well without the A/C. I can’t wait for winter so I can do it more often. Especially since I don’t have someone living with me now to complain about how cold it is. Even when I was sweating.
Wish I could sleep NIGHTS with the windows open in my green sheets.sigh.