The Biggest Little State in the Union

So I have booked my trip for Providence. As you may know, I am going to visit my grandmother who is living in Rhode Island. I haven’t seen her in almost 5 years now. I haven’t been to Connecticut is almost 8 years I think… maybe 10. I’ll be renting a car and driving around all over the place. Hopefully I won’t get lost. I’m sure that I will take another 400 pictures like my previous trips. One good thing so far about this trip… I got the ticket for free from some miles that had been sitting on a credit card for a year or two now! Anyway, here are the details:

  • Leave from Tampa at 7:40am on 11/15
  • Arrive in Providence at 12:46pm on 11/15
  • Leave from Providence at 1:25 on 11/18
  • Arrive in Tampa at 6:43 on 11/18

If anyone is available to either pick me up or drop me off, please let me know!


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

2 thoughts to “The Biggest Little State in the Union”

  1. I can’t drop you off cause I get out of work at 8 on thursday but I can pick you up if you want. Just let me know.

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