Meiko: Javanese Ninja

Yes, you read that right. Javanese, not Japanese. Someone on Myspace has alerted me to the fact that Meiko is a Javanese cat. She DOES get depressed when I leave. She IS overweight. She DOES talk, and I talk back, and she talks back… It explains almost everything about her! Except for the shedding. She does shed a lot. I’m am just blown away by this. She’s my little Javanese.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

2 thoughts to “Meiko: Javanese Ninja”

  1. I am still surprised that you have a cat. I can clearly remember that you wanted to hurt every cat we owned as a family. You were an evil little boy. And now you talk to cats, how much you have changed.

  2. Tell me about it Trisha, he hated all of our cats and he acts like his is a little baby and now he hates our dogs

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