Oh Christmas Tree

So I had my Thanksgiving today. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. The regular. No apple pie however. My family also put a Christmas tree and decorated, while I watched out of the corner of my eye. Should I put up a tree? There is supposedly one out in the shed. But it’s so much work to decorate. And where would I put it?

So it appears that Jessica may be getting married. After 5 months. Her Myspace status says “Jessica is getting hitched.” Unless she means something else, but she had been talking about getting married.

I also posted this on my Myspace page, but I am giving away free ElectroNerdz t-shirts. On one condition. You must actually wear it in public. I am trying to come up with ideas for something funny on the front, and then an ElectroNerdz logo on the back. For example, I am going to do “Shift Happens” on one shirt. If you are interested in a free shirt, let me know.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

8 thoughts to “Oh Christmas Tree”

  1. I came by your page to see the Rocky Horror pictures. Hehe lots of random girl’s asses. Nice.
    Kidding. I loved the ones of Ken though.


    I want a shirt!

  2. Yeah, they weren’t random. I purposely took pictures of their asses!

    I am looking at the shirt options, and will announce it here when they will be available.

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