Ok, so I’ve made it no secret that I find Sarah Silverman strangely hot. She is currently “dating” Jimmy Kimmel, formerly of The Man Show, but now hosts his own talk show. A while back, I found a video on YouTube via a friend of his show, where Sarah was on and had to tell Jimmy some sad news, so she made a video of it. It was hilarious. Well, apparently, Jimmy Kimmel decided to make a video of his own in response to her video.
Please note, these video are a little long, 5+ minutes each, and contain a lot of “bleeps”. Not for children. Although, it did broadcast on national television, so who knows.
I hope you’re not referring to me as the “children” part? Anyway, I’m pretty sure I saw this. I can’t watch it now since this computer is majorly slow. But does it involve God played by a black man? If not, then forget I said anything.
God played by a black man? You mean Bruce and Evan Almighty? I am not sure what you are talking about, but Sarah Silverman has made a religious comedy or two. I haven’t seen them yet though, NetFlix is taking forever.
Ooo.. you should NetFlix “The Darjeeling Limited.” I think that is how it is spelt. It is really good and Owen Wilson and Adrian Brody are in it. Pretty darn good. Also, American Ganster and Gone, Baby, Gone. Yeah, I know.. I watch a lot of movies.