So I’ve got several people complaining that I haven’t written in here in a while. I’ve been extremely busy with all kinds of things. Work and play. So, here is a review of the last week.
Berns was amazing. The food was excellent. And it really was not as expensive as a I thought it would be. Of course, it was also fun to be pulling up in a limo. I wore black pants and an ElectroNerdz orange shirt. I LOVE the shirt. It is in the wash right now, hopefully not getting destroyed. I also wore a tie and black jacket, which I hadn’t done in a while. I did not get drunk like I wanted to, but I did get a little tipsy in the beginning since I was drinking something, and hadn’t eaten in a long while. The limo ride home was also very interesting in ways. You can see a few pictures from the night here.
On Monday, I helped Danielle move into her new apartment. It’s actually a very nice location for the price. So many things are within walking distance, except for an actual full blown grocery store, but is accessible by a short bus ride.
On Tuesday, I attended an InfoSec World expo. I walked through about half of the exhibit until I just got completely disgusted. I did not see a single computer running Linux. All of them Windows, except for one Mac. I was there to meet some of the sales team for Astaro, a product that we sell.
On Wednesday, I had my teeth cleaned. It was kind of messy, as their cavatron was spilling water all over me. And my hygienist was constantly thinking I was in pain, when honesty, I very much wasn’t.
On Thursday, I finally took my Concealed Carry class. In about 3 weeks, I’ll be able to carry a concealed weapon. The class was amazingly easy. I told her what I knew of gun safety in the beginning, and she said that I’d have no problem. I also learned a better way to hold my Glock and seems to make shooting a little easier. I can’t wait to practice more. And when I used the range there, at 9 feet, I hit every bullet (nine total) in the black (pretty much the bullseye) center of the target… from behind (the target was turned around so you couldn’t see the center)!! After that, I had the utmost fun driving around in downtown Tampa making wrong turns and trying to find parking and almost forgetting to put quarters in the meter. I had to go to Tampa to get my fingerprints scanned. When I got to the station, and walked up to the desk, before I even opened my mouth, the officer said “Getting your finger prints scanned?”. I asked him later if it happens a lot. They said they get about 25 people a day for various reasons, Concealed Carry, real estate, etc.
Today, I saw an accident minutes after it happened where a small car was crushed between two tractor trailers. I think the guy in the car was alright, as his door was open, but I didn’t look inside, because I was too busy driving, unlike everyone else in front of me, who were too busy looking at the accident.
In other news, Danielle and I are technically dating now, “casually” that is. I had some interesting run-ins with her family and friends on Monday. Such as the crazy uncle whom looks like my old boss, but without the ponytail, and her friend Greg, whom was a very nice guy, among others.
Well, that is the weekly update. I hope you enjoyed your reading experience. Be sure to check back in the future for more interesting stories from the life of Jason.
WHOA! Information overload!! And what about the cake? was it good? Crazy uncle, wait till Danielle meets the Fockers!!
lol dad i was planning to watch meet the fockers soon too. Anyway, i forget what i was gonna say so see ya!!
love the shirt, I could cut it up and make a quilt for you.
We don’t talk about the “crazy uncle”, he is a figment of your imagination. I’m sure it will be interesting the day I get to meet the Fockers… who’s up for some football?
Hi Jason,
You so don’t know me, and for that matter I don’t know you either! But you commented on Misty’s blog and so I put the two together that your the new “casual dating” dude for Danielle, and you can just ask her all about me because she’s sure to have lots of juicy tid bits, that is if you were interested in who the heck commented on your blog like a nut.
All that to say that I beg to differ. The Lake Morton apartments are SO close to the Publix with the weird retro arch. And HELLOW! Downtown coffee shops? Who needs, as you say, “an actual full blown grocery store” when you can just drink coffee all day? My, aren’t WE picky? Sheesh.
Feed those swans some whole wheat bread for me!
K. I’m dun.
wow, I think Vivian was on a coffee high. I love that retro arch…Johnny Depp once walked under those arches dressed as Edward.
Sorry Danielle, but our family is very anti-football. Always was, and always will be.
Hi Trish, I think she was joking about the football thing. Unless Jay has been sitting around getting lazy, drinking beer,high fiveing his friends every time ‘his team’ touches a down. Could you picture that! I wouldn’t say were ‘anti-football’. More like we don’t give a rats ass!
Umm…. I guess you don’t all get the reference to the football game that was played in Meet the Fockers where they were all trying to beat each other up or whatever.
I don’t want to beat anyone up…unless of course I’m provoked.
I guess that went over my head, I hardly remember much of the movie. So she’s being clever huh! We’ll be watching this one!!
Mom… whats wrong with beating people up? Just kidding.. but not really. :) Hi Daddy. I miss you.
What the heck is going on here? I think this is the only place the six of us gather