So I was at the office till about 12:30 last night. Got in bed around 1:30. I had an appointment this morning at 8:30, so I wanted to get as much sleep as possible. I was going to wake up at 7:30. Around 6:30, it started pouring rain. Normally, no big deal. But I left the cover open on the back of my truck. With my tools in it. I ran out of my house in my underwear, grabbed the ladder (the reason I had it open in the first place) and yanked it out of the truck. Closed the top, and ran back in. I was soaked. Dried myself off, and tried to get more sleep. Didn’t get much.
So I had this thought today. I stopped at Burger King for lunch, and afterwords, my stomach wasn’t so happy. I’ve been eating way too much fast food lately. But the reason I keep eating there is because it’s fast, and cheap. So, I’ve concluded that I must find a way to make a “bagged” lunch fast and cheap. I can only make it cheap by buying in bulk. But when I buy in bulk, it goes bad because I can’t eat it fast enough. So here is my though. Frozen lunches. On Sunday night, I can premake my lunches for the week, and freeze them. This allows me to make it fast, by just grabbing a frozen lunch “package”. By the time I get around to eating it, it will have thawed enough for me to eat it, allowing me to leave it in my truck in a bag of some sort. So I will be making some practice lunches this weekend to see how it works out. Obviously, there will be a sandwich, either with meat or PB&J, and some sort of side item. I’d like “healthier” items that either last a while, or can be frozen. Any ideas? I also have the issue of a drink. I can either have bottled water, which could get expensive, or find some sort of sealable cup where I could have some pre-ready.
Maybe you should invest in a small refrigerator and microwave for the office and you can bring frozen dinners and you can make yourself a tub of lemonade and then you’re all set
Two words: Ramen noodles
I already have both of those at the office. The problem: I am not in the office all day. I am in my truck. I need stuff to eat in my truck. Stop in a park, look at wildlife or something while I eat.
Same problem. I want something dry to eat in my truck. Making noodles and spilling water and not to mention cold noodles… not good.
Wildlife in a park in Lakeland? Good luck with that… Bottled water is your best bet…and if you like nasty tap water, just refill the bottle each morning. You can have a side of those little cups of applesauce or fruit. Or carrots..which I’m about to have. Or Chex Mix which Mom won’t stop eating. Or you could bring a banana or apple. But if I were as loaded as you, a double cheeseburger and large fry would do me just fine.
I heard its bad to reuse those plastic bottles
You could go to Walmart or something and buy cheap water bottles in like a case of 24, about 16 ounce ones, then buy packets of powder to put in them. You might like Propel. I do it here all the time, makes water taste so much better plus you are drinking healthy. You could always go with Subway for healthy yummy, delicious, tasty food. Ok, I miss Subway… Or McDonalds salads… mmm… Anyways.. just some “random” thoughts.
Well, Subway is NOT cheap. So that doesn’t fit my needs. And what I eat at McDonalds is the cheeseburger and a salad. I never order fries anymore at any fast food restaurant except Checkers. But… the packets with water, that sounds like a good idea. I’ll have to try that.
what you should do is get a cooler and those freeze things that you put in the freezer each night or a half gallon milk jug filled with a little water ( water expands when it’s frozen) like dad use to do. Make salads and sandwiches or hard boiled eggs, macaroni salad, potato salad, chips and dip, pickles, or your favorite… green olives. You get the picture. Good luck. They make a good lemonade flavor packet for water you might like. I really don’t think bringing frozen stuff to eat is a good idea, in that Florida hot sun it will melt fast but the outside will melt to fast for the inside and you might relive the Applebees thing.
I really like this website that sells Lap top lunch boxes (of course you don’t have to buy the lunch box) but the photo gallery located here has has a lot of great healthy ideas.
I like your mom’s idea about a cooler with an ice pack to keep the lunch cool, especially in FL. For water you could get one of those water thermoses cheap from Target or where ever and then fill up at a water fountain or something.
I started licking my computer screen after looking at the laptoplunches site!