Good Ol’ American Apple Pie

So today, Danielle and I made an apple pie. I have not ravaged it yet however. I so want to bite into it, but I must wait and bring it to her place tonight, so we can ravage it together. We had a lot of fun cooking together, and I hope to do more of it in the future. Here is a picture:


Also today, we went to Colt Creek off 471 in North Lakeland. We joined her aunt Carrie and fiancĂ©, Edd. It’s a beautiful state park. I suggest you check it out. Parking is two dollars. Open all day. You can bike, ride horses, fish, or just have a cookout. You can see our pictures from the trip on the gallery here. I had commentary, but it didn’t come over when I typed it in, and I don’t feel like retyping it. So deal.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

8 thoughts to “Good Ol’ American Apple Pie”

  1. OMG! What a pretty pie! I want a piece. Remember when Grandma would make them for you and I had to beg for a piece? “sigh”

  2. is that dad? and if so did he just say ‘omg’? hahahaha. So how come you can always get a pretty girlfriend but i can never get a cute boyfriend? i can’t even get an ugly boyfriend. now i’m stuck with a bunch of rednecks…ho hum… Anyway is this the park near the electric company?

  3. Amber you took the words right out of my mouth with the OMG, if thats dad he’s funny. Jason….OMG thats a nice looking pie. You’re getting so domesticated.

  4. my fav pic is the last one of the purple flowers. Doesn’t even look like Florida!

  5. Mmmm… the pie was yummy. Oh, and Amber, I hear there are lots of cute boys here in Florida. And guess what! I have an extra room!

  6. Edd, from Ed, Edd N Eddy?! awesome..
    Daddy says all kinds of weird things on the computer.

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