Blasphemy, in the name of Jesus

So I’ve been resting at home today after my trip, and I’ve left CTN on. This channel is complete bull****. I am blown away that these people can even say these things. If you buy this guys book, God will make you wealthy. Give your “seed” gift of $200, and you will have a “harvest”. It only takes $200, and God will give you a harvest, and make you wealthy. Oh, check isn’t fast enough? They take credit cards. Put your donation to the ministry of God on credit!

And, if you buy these other ladies pills and drinks, you will prevent cancer and diabetes, through the power of God.

Ugh. This channel sickens me.


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

One thought to “Blasphemy, in the name of Jesus”

  1. It sickens me too! I have no compassion for those televangelist. They take advantage of people who are truly seeking grace for God. If only those evangelist could give truth to those who seek it and not false hope in money being the answer to their problems.

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