New Side Project

Ok, so I have a lot of customers with AOL. Some of them want to get rid of it. So they ask if there is a way to get their favorites out, and their contacts. Nope. AOL does not have an export function so to speak. So I am making one. I discovered you can take your AOL Favorites, and back them up into a “PFC” file. Well, I’ve been looking at this file. The contents is some soft of plain text flatfile database. I’ve found the pattern in the file in the hex code. I should be able to easily write a PHP file that uploads the file, then decodes it, and then can generate either an HTML file to import into Firefox, or a ZIP file containing a bunch of .url files for IE. Then I can develop it into a website so that there is an actual FREE tool for people to do this. Then I will find out more about the AOL Address Book. I don’t see how I could be breaking any law, unless it is the DMCA. I am certainly not breaking any terms with AOL, as I am not an AOL user. The only thing that makes me question it is… why hasn’t someone done this sooner?


Father of four, amateur chicken farmer, tech enthusiast, primitive camper.

15 thoughts to “New Side Project”

  1. Wh..what? I waited a month for this crap?! We don’t care about AOL, we care about Jason! Help us out here.

  2. I think a PTO file encripted into a HMO format backed up WD-40 should keep the WTFer’s off your back.

  3. I think a PTO file encripted into a HMO format backed up with WD-40 should keep the WTFer’s off your back.

  4. I concur with the PTO file. It might keep your LMNOP’s in a row too. My shift key is dying on me, is there any program you can make to fix it? I also agree with Amber. I wanna here about your kitty. (also, you wrote the word soft instead of sort)

  5. You actually read it Trisha? Hmm..that’s impressive. Oh and Jason..while you’re working on the PTO file, why don’t you just go ahead and hand in the TPS reports? That’ll be just great….

  6. We should all get emails when your blog is updated so we don’t have to keep checking everyday for nothing.

  7. Subscribe to the RSS feed. I get most of my technical news by monitoring blogs with RSS. It takes too much damned time to read them all.

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