A few things…

… that are happening:

  • A new hole has opened in the ozone above my house as my house A/C seems to contain no more freon. So it is getting hot in here, except for my office. On the plus side though, cheaper electic bill! I really don’t mind the heat (I spend most of my time in the office anyway), but Jessica is the one complaining about it, so maybe I should kick her out :-p
  • I have repaired the floor in my kitchen. You will no longer fear falling through the floor (except for maybe one or two semi-soft spots). I have probably contracted some horrible disease though from all the crap I breathed in from underneath the house.
  • I have steam cleaned two rooms and the water was DIRTY. And I don’t think I was even doing it right. I am going to do it one more time in those two rooms, then I must tackle the big room, the living room.

The Office Diet

My office is officially on a diet. Here is why. I may be moving this summer. My parents (whom I live behind), wants to sell their house. Because I don’t want strangers up front, I am forced to sell my house also. And because my house is so old, we’ll have to sell them together (the equity in their house will pay for mine). I’ve got several choices:

  • Buy another house – This just puts me right back into a mortgage. However, I’ve still got a house. I can still have a home office. However, I will be out in the boonies again, because I do not want to pay $250,000 for a house.
  • Rent an apartment, lease an office – I am liking this option for one reason: simplicity. I can get a small apartment, and reduce all of my CRAP down to one or two rooms. I can also decorate it with stuff from Wrapables. But there is also a disadvantage to this. I can’t work on my cars, or do other crazy stuff that I do. BUT… depending on how much I make from selling, I can afford some newer cars. I would also be throwing away money every month. And the locations are not all good (except for one that is really expensive). I would also need to lease an office. This isn’t too big of a deal, and kind of getting needed. I can move all of my computer stuff into the office. However, finding affordable office space isn’t easy.
  • Go RVing – This is every mans dream. Living in an RV. Even the guy on Grey’s Anatomy does it. It’s the simple life. But this requires buy an RV, and getting lots of storage space for things like my big screen TV. So this is probably a no-go.

So anyway, what do you think I should do? I am hoping for the middle option, as I can live cheaply. Cheaper electric. No Internet at the house, as I can use my laptop with a wireless card. $10 a month for TV with my friend’s satellite. Cat food for just 1 cat since Jessica is going to school and doesn’t like Meiko. So… your thoughts?

Miami: Vice City

Well, lots of stuff happened last night. First, we went back to the hotel to change and what not. And went back out to South Beach. We walked around for a while just checking out the scene. We finally happened upon a club that Nathan wanted to go into. So we got in line. A few minutes later, some guy singled us out, and told us to come to the front of the line. Then a few minutes after that, we went in the club. It was a bunch of rappers. I had a whiskey sour that was awful. Nathan danced with girls. I left early (at like 4:00 am) and fell asleep next to Nathan’s car. I’d write more, but I am getting bored.

Miami Baby!

Well, me and Nathan have gone to Miami. We are going to see a baseball game on Tuesday (it will be my first baseball game). Of course, we are going to check out Miami while we are at it. So far we have walked around near South Beach. Quite the crazys. One guy was just walking in circles talking to himself. Some other guy stopped in the road to talk to some girl on the other side of the road for like 10 minutes. Someone else was trying to sell a DVD, “Crack Heads Gone Wild in NY.” So far, it has been trashy. Some big events going on, so there are little handouts all over the ground. Anyway, more to come, and check out the photo gallery.

Palm for x64

I emailed a few people at Palm asking about x64 support quite a while back, but didn’t get much help. I was wondering if everyone who would like to use Palm (like the upcoming Tree 700p) on x64 could email them also:

ed.colligan at palm.com – President and CEO
ken.wirt at palm.com
john.hartnett at palm.com – SVP, Worldwide Sales and Customer Relations
jeff.hawkins at palm.com – Founder

Lub Dub

I have signed up for VoicePulse. It’s a great VoIP phone service, similar to Vonage. The business plan may cost a little more, but I can get so much more with it than Vonage. Vonage would not give me a second line with my number and use it for faxes, but VoicePulse would. So I got them. Check them out! Of course, I have to wait 2 weeks before I can submit to have my phone number transferred because I just changed my Verizon account to two seperate lines (which they haven’t installed the second line yet), then wait another 30 days for the transfer to take place. But I can make long distance calls all day long if I wanted to! Anyone I should call?


No, my zip code is not 338011.

Vonage outsources. I really want Vonage, but unfortunately, can not use them, because they will not transfer my second phone number to the free fax line that they give you in the small business plan. I hate Verizon. Maybe it’s all the “V’s.”