My office is officially on a diet. Here is why. I may be moving this summer. My parents (whom I live behind), wants to sell their house. Because I don’t want strangers up front, I am forced to sell my house also. And because my house is so old, we’ll have to sell them together (the equity in their house will pay for mine). I’ve got several choices:
- Buy another house – This just puts me right back into a mortgage. However, I’ve still got a house. I can still have a home office. However, I will be out in the boonies again, because I do not want to pay $250,000 for a house.
- Rent an apartment, lease an office – I am liking this option for one reason: simplicity. I can get a small apartment, and reduce all of my CRAP down to one or two rooms. I can also decorate it with stuff from Wrapables. But there is also a disadvantage to this. I can’t work on my cars, or do other crazy stuff that I do. BUT… depending on how much I make from selling, I can afford some newer cars. I would also be throwing away money every month. And the locations are not all good (except for one that is really expensive). I would also need to lease an office. This isn’t too big of a deal, and kind of getting needed. I can move all of my computer stuff into the office. However, finding affordable office space isn’t easy.
- Go RVing – This is every mans dream. Living in an RV. Even the guy on Grey’s Anatomy does it. It’s the simple life. But this requires buy an RV, and getting lots of storage space for things like my big screen TV. So this is probably a no-go.
So anyway, what do you think I should do? I am hoping for the middle option, as I can live cheaply. Cheaper electric. No Internet at the house, as I can use my laptop with a wireless card. $10 a month for TV with my friend’s satellite. Cat food for just 1 cat since Jessica is going to school and doesn’t like Meiko. So… your thoughts?